When The Money Breaks

War typically arises due to certain reasons.

Sometimes ideological, sometimes because of bad leaders (their greed, envy, or any of the other 7 deadly sins), but most of the time, its due to resources.

Theyve wasted away the resources, mismanaged, or miscalculated.

Beneath the rise of the resource problem is the "root" of the problem.

The money. 


The money is the medium of exchange to faciltate the trade of resources.

Resources cant be diluted. 

A gallon of gas is a gallon of gas. 

Yea, technically, you can weaken it, but youll know what you get.

However, if you control the money printer, its like using "sleight of hand" to print and acquire resources. But, then you dilute the money because you added more to the pool of dollars. 

This is #inflation.

Eventually, after enough printing the money becomes worthless and no one wants it. Its no longer a good medium of exchange for real things. Hence, bonds being sold by other nations.

Bad leaders abuse the money printer. They make their citizens poorer. They pay off their surrogates. They pay off their doers of bad deeds. They buy power from citizens by printing and giving out supposed "free money" for votes.

This kind of system only works so long and then runs out of steam.

Theres a reason your mother said, "money doesnt grow on trees." She was right. But, I'd actually add to that - "good money doesnt grow on trees".

Many Empires before have unfortunately taken this path. Typically, drunk on the power trip. Only to leave the People with nothing broken, hungry, and sick. 

When the barrel dries up, they clamor for more power to unravel wicked plans.

The propanganda machine spins up.

The drums of #War sound.

War to steal resources.

War to re-do the global ledger of debt.

Guess who loses in this?


They are the ones sent to the front lines, the meat grinder.

Every life lost is one less obligation for them. Theyre leaning up their human balance sheet and attempting to add resources in the same move.

Its EVIL. 

How do we fix it?

1. Accountability.

Be informed. Educate yourself with good sources. Speak out against them and their evil. 

Your voice is powerful - if you use it.

Government answers to its People. It should fear its People (as our Founding Fathers noted) as the power they wield is derived "from" the People. 

2. Fix the money.

Were living in an interesting time. Never before have we had a solution to the "Byzantine Generals Problem". A solution to finding "consensus". Weve always had to lead with trust into a "centralized power" to correctly and fairly keep track and issue money. But, you see how thats going today and how thats worked for Empires of the past.

#Bitcoin fixes this.

#BTC is the innovation to solve the Byzantine Generals Problem.

Research it. 

Real research, not just a couple hours. 

Way more.

We are at an inflexion point on paths.

The age of #AI and the age of #blockchain.

We can have prosperity.

But, the powerful are drunk on power. They also know things cant be fabricated in this new possible age. The days of "talking" would be over. The days of real un-diluted labor, results, and work would be the way.

Your wealth would be your wealth and it couldnt be stolen in sneaky ways like #inflation

The #Bitcoin blockchain cannot be easily manipulated. As Elon Musk famously said, even the most powerful AI cannot hack #BTC. Its globally published and available for all to see. From the issuance of new Bitcoin, to individual transactions. Hah, imagine having the ability to see how each unit is spent when it comes to the taxes you pay.

So, there you have it.

War or the pursuit of prosperity?

Awake from the bad dreams of the past couple years. 

Its time to be enlightened, humanity.

Its time for peace and common sense.

We owe it to the generations after us. 

#America #USA #UnitedStates #Russia #Ukraine #China #Europe #Germany #France #NATO #BRICS #Africa #India #Crypto #Cryptocurrency 


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